Monday, May 30, 2011

June's Book Club Selection

Greeting my NBHE Family,

Summer is almost here, but in Texas it feels like its here already!! I'm assuming that your family is like mine, and June is the month that you all embark on "chilling out" a bit from your typical homeshchooling routines. Your mind now shifts to planning family vacations, attending reunions graduations, and weddings. Whoo!

With that being the case we will only have 1 book selection for the months of June, July, and August. Each selection will be a book for the entire FAMILY to read together and then share your comments on the blog.

                                        And the JUNE selection is..................
                        Gifted Hands The Ben Carson Story by Ben Carson. 

This an inspiring story of how Ben Carson triumphs inspite of enormous obstacles to become one of the greatest pioneers in neurosurgery.

There is also a movie for this one (same title).

Happy Readings My Friends....


  1. Psalm 37:4 says Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Ben Carson's life story is the perfect illustration of what walking in the incomparable power of God looks like when are will is aligned with HIS will. After reading this my 10 year-old son, Jalen, created his own acrostic for success, as Dr. Carson did using the words THINK BIG, using the word FOCUS:

    We'd like to see your acrostic for success.... This is something the entire family can create together or each member of the family can customize their own. Be creative and have Fun!

  2. In the US History class I am facilitating the students will read Mr Carson's book "Take the Risk". A fantastic follow on to "Do Hard Things" last semester.
