Saturday, August 28, 2010

Make It Special

Hello, we're excited in Fort Worth about reading together. The books are off the shelf and ready to go. I think we will plan our Sunday Dinner menu first. The kids will choose their specialities. Someone around here mentioned chittlins. I don't know about that. But I did buy hot chocolate to give us our "Starbuck" mood while we read. Hopefully, it's not too hot outdoors to enjoy it. So what are you planning to do to enjoy your time reading together?

The Gaddy Family of Fort Worth, TX

1 comment:

  1. Fried apples and biscuits sound great! We enjoyed reading the first two chapters Wednesday night. While reading you can't help but imagine the two of them talking directly to you. I even had to stop for a second to laugh out loud at Bessie. This book is a favorite of mine. After making the fried apples and biscuits, I'm sure it will be endearing to my family as well. (Mom)

    I asked to the rest of our crew what to blog for them. They said, "It was good." (Dad and kids)

    The Gaddys of Fort Worth
